Friendly People That Care


What We Offer

Friendly People That Care has been licensed and endorsed to provide a number of services to our consumers. 
Below are the Programs and Services Friendly People That Care offers:

  • Alternative Family Living
  • Community Networking
  • Residential Support
  • Day Support

Friendly People That Care is a nationally accredited organization through CARF International

Our Services

Day Support

Day support is primarily a group service that provides assistance to the participant with acquisition, retention, or improvement in self-help, socialization and adaptive skills. Day support are furnished in a non-residential setting, separate from the home or facility where the participant resides. Day support focus on enabling the participant to attain or maintain his or her maximum functional level and is coordinated with any physical, occupational, or speech therapies.

Alternative Family Living (AFL)

Alternative Family Living provides habilitation services aimed at assisting the participant to acquire, improve, and retain skills in self-help, general household management and meal preparation, personal finance management, socialization and other adaptive areas. Training outcomes focus on allowing the participant to improve his/her ability to reside as independently as possible in the community.

AFL offer assistance in activities of daily living when the participant is dependent on others to ensure health and safety within their own home.

Community Networking

Community Networking services provide individualized day activities that support the participant’s definition of a meaningful day in an integrated community setting, with persons who are not disabled. This service is provided separate and apart from the  participant’s private residence, other residential living arrangement, and/or the home of a service provider. Services are designed to promote maximum participation in community life while developing natural supports within integrated settings. 

Community Networking services enable the participant to increase or maintain their capacity for independence and develop social roles valued by non-disabled members of the community.

Residential Support

Residential support consists of an integrated array of individually designed training activities, assistance and supervision. Residential support are provided to individuals who live in a community residential setting that meets the home and community based characteristics.